About Richard T. Marshall
Richard Marshall is a veteran trial lawyer and a Certified Senior Advisor. His focus is upon the legal problems of senior citizens, both in litigation and in counseling. He has recovered substantial awards and settlements in medical malpractice and nursing home neglect and abuse claims. His firm provides full representation at all levels of litigation, both individually and through a network of associated counsel throughout Texas. Richard Marshall provides legal counsel for senior clients in estate and financial planning, retirement trusts, powers of attorney, directives to health care providers, guardian designations, burial instructions, and other planning documents. He represents clients in Probate Court in estate administrations, will probates, guardianships, and litigation over contested wills. Marshall’s biographical data is set out in detail on the <b>Attorney Profile </b>page. <br><br>Marshall first received his law degree in 1951 from Yale Law School. He was admitted to practice in Texas in 1952, and admitted to practice before the United States Supreme Court in 1959. His honors include being included in Who’s Who in American Law, and Who’s Who in America. He has published articles such as “The Telling Opening Statement,” The Practical Lawyer, 1973, and served as the editor of the El Paso Trial Lawyers Review from 1973 through 1980. He spent twenty years lecturing at seminars for trial lawyers in El Paso and throughout the United States.
The above is not legal advice. That can only come from a qualified attorney who is familiar with all the facts and circumstances of a particular, specific case and the relevant law.