Welcome to Texas Senior L aw – Elder L aw for Texans! We’re here to help seniors and those who care about them with useful information and timely aticles about legal issues affecting seniors.
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If you are like most of our senior viewers, you’ll be clicking onto our Lion Logo for the Daily Senior News link to Senior Journal, a service that is just about the best breaking news source for seniors available anywhere. We expect our new Ask the L awyer box to be just as popular. If you have a question, click on the big question mark and you’ll be directed to a toll-free number or an e-mail address for your question. So far, all questions have been answered either personally on the phone, or by return e-mail, within 48 hours.
You can also find the statutory Texas forms for such advance directives as Power of Attorney, Medical Power of Attorney, and Directive to Physicians (Living Will). These forms, which are from the Texas Probate Code and Texas Health and Safety Code, can be blocked by you and pasted to your word processor. Just click on the photo at the lower right hand side of this home page.
You can access a financial service site, Advance Funding, Inc., byclicking on the Pyramid Logo. There you’ll find market reports, financial calculators, and a host of goodies of interest to savers and
At the left hand side of this page you’ll find our Senior Law Links, which include Legal Resources, Elder Abuse, Financial Planning, Health and Fitness, and Travel and Leisure.
We invite your questions and comments. You’ll be sure to get a prompt and courteous response if you e-mail us [email protected] or phone us tll-free at 1 800-221-4385.
The above is not legal advice. That can only come from a qualified attorney who is familiar with all the facts and circumstances of a particular, specific case and the relevant law.
Legal Dictionary
Texas Resources
Statute of Limitations